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Business Law

Running a business requires extensive planning and research. It is a huge undertaking, especially when there is an overload of advice and information out there about business management. It can be hard to know where to begin.


At any point in the estate planning process, from drafting a will to entering probate court, a skilled attorney is essential. An estate plan lays out your wishes for all of the belongings and assets you own, many of which could be lost if they are not included or properly distributed in your plan.


The type of entity you form is a big decision when starting a business. It is wise to meet with a business law attorney who can talk about your goals and offer advice unique to you

Welcome to the Law Offices of
Jeffery Ellis, PLLC

Solutions And Counsel With Integrity

I am here to make your business better and your estate planning secure.

Let’s Move In The Right Direction Together

Many clients who come to me have a goal but do not know how to accomplish it, or they do not know what they should do but know they need legal help. I am here not only as a lawyer, but as a counselor for anyone with business law, estate planning or probate concerns.

At The Law Offices of The Law Offices of Jeffrey A. Ellis, PLLC, I collaborate with Minnesota clients to find the best solutions for their situation. Through my legal knowledge and my work with other clients, I am able to offer sound advice on your options and the best ways to reach a positive outcome.

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